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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Easy homemade sugar cookies

It's that time of the year again, Christmas! 

Oh how I remember my mother baking away in the kitchen weeks before Santa's arrival. Whether the cookies and treats were for PTA, teacher gifts, neighbors and more. I never understood why she baked so much until now. 

This year, I thought I would make one recipe in particular I have a fond memory helping my mother in the kitchen, sugar cookies! No, not the kind you decorate with icing, but sweet, sugary cookies that melt in your mouth. 

The recipe is quite easy, and makes a ton of cookies (great for coworker gifts). 


1 cup powdered sugar
1 cup white sugar 
1 cup margarine 
1 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla 
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
4 cup flour

Mix all together in mixer. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

Take little rolls onto greased baking sheet. Get a wine glass or stemware. Put sugar in bowl or something you can put bottom of stemware glass on. I used a cereal bowl and put some sugar in it. 

Take oil from cookies and put a little on bottom of stemware. Presd sugar onto bottom of glass and press lightly down into each ball on cookie sheet. Repeat for each cookie for sugary goodness.

Use little sprinkles to add color, if desired. 

Bake for 9-10 minutes. 



Sunday, December 8, 2013

Who Needs A Paper List When There is Wunderlist!

I was noticing on Pinterest there were free printable travel lists that sparked me to write this post. I was informed at a Coca-Cola digital marketing meeting I attended that there was a wonderful "honey do" list app called Wunderlist. The woman said it was great for her and her husband's grocery shopping. 

I downloaded it immediately because my husband and I use to email each other what was needed at the grocery store since he does all the shopping. It's so simple. Download Wunderlist, and create a free, simple account. Next, have your husband, friend, parent, etc. download the app as well and create an account. You can have private lists or add friends, family, spouses to a list you can make. I created a grocery store list and added my husband:

After you create your list and want to add someone, press the button on the bottom right: 

Easy peasy! It's real time as well. So, when someone adds to the list you will receive a notification. 

It's great for organizing a trip list as well. No more paper! 
